And here we are little over two months later and I've just hit 50 followers. That's pretty cool and traffic is increasing all the time. Yesterday was the first time I received over 200 page views and it ended up at 275. Not bad at all (as far as I know). All in I'm well on the way to 6000 page views since the blog first appeared.
At this early juncture I'd like to thank everyone who is reading and commenting. I have a fairly good idea of the direction I'll be taking the blog in the coming months though I'd love to hear any thoughts you have so feel free to add your ideas in comment form.
Oh, and I'll not leave you without anything relevant today. My good friend Neil paid a visit to Spyglass Towers today and brought with him some painted versions of my 28mm zombies. Neil purchased these from me a good while back to use as peasant civilian zombies in WW2 games. He's gone for a dark and gritty feel which suits the subject matter perfectly. And check out the bases. They really evoke the right atmosphere...

200 a day is a very good number, but you will notice traffic on a blog depends very much of the quantity and the quality of posts. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the success of the blog so far - I've certainly enjoyed reading.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I'd love to see you do more of is the mini tutorials on sculpting tips etc - very helpful!
Brilliant blog, with a interesting range of topics based on the miniatures industry. Keep up the good work Steve.
ReplyDeleteMiniature sculpting tips would be nice to see but keep the posts on random musings about miniatures coming as they are always very insightful, informative and interesting.
the enthusiasm teamed with a knowledge and perception of the hobby delivered in a straight forward warm way is very refreshing - to mi knowledge its the first time jes and miself have felt able to contribute - its obvious steve loves miniatures ..... huzzah .........
ReplyDeleteAbout views: Jes pointed me this way, saying it's a good read, and I'll admit I was sceptical. You've always seemed to be more of an "Artist" to my "Whitevanman".
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I've found common ground with a lot of what you've written (that I've read) about minis and those around us in the industry.
So, yeah. A good read. I'll be checking back every week :)
I think 'Whitevanman' might be a little bit of a disservice. Doesn't really gel with you being one of the top sculptors in the world.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, it's great to have you here and I'm happy you're enjoying the blog.
The title fits :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not an intellectual.
Some people can get away with expressing themselves eloquently without sounding like pretentious w@nkers. I am not one of them. So I'll stick to being the numpty in the corner, making positive noises on occasion, while you intersting articulate types articulately type interesting things.
Well, I'd probably go with artisan over whitevanman but whatever you feel fits. Besides, you do the least pretentious thing you can do and just let your work speak for itself. And it's always something to behold.
ReplyDeleteyour not alone kev - im no intellectual nor can i muster eloquence - i certainly cannot spell so ive given up on that one - jes showed me some stuff tonite that must represent the highest form of art that this hobby continues to produce at an amazing rate and thats what counts ........... and long may it do so ..... to little soldiers and the future .......
ReplyDeleteWell, we'll take look at Jes's latest sculpt and judge for ourselves... around mid 2012...
ReplyDeleteFeeling a tad grouchy about the future of minis right at the moment though. Long term is fine but things at the moment are based on unhealthy foundations... feel like going on a colossal rant but will probably think better of it and shut my pie hole instead...
Then it wont please you to hear that the things I saw on Wednesday made me want give up on Greenstuff and switch to Fimo?
ReplyDeleteAs John said, there are some very pretty toys at the Black Edifice at the moment.
Today is my "off" day (one a month), but I'll raise a glass to toys soldiers tomorrow :)
Wasn't one of mine that we were both enthusing over, that honour belongs to Mr White, kudos Kev
ReplyDeletetoy can't explain it
Man, I seriously exist in a vacuum down here...
ReplyDeleteI've gone pink.
ReplyDeleteI figured it was one of your fimo creations, Jes.
Jes switched to Fimo? Sky is falling!!!
ReplyDeleteI know he used polymers for the Dark Eldar Mandrakes but didn't know he'd switched for other projects. Colour me very interested to see how this pans out. Hmm... suddenly thinking he may have used polymers for the new Dark Eldar Beasts. Would have made those Khymerae (or however it's spelt) a lot less awkward...
Check out the big brain on Buddle! :D
ReplyDeleteI bought some polymer stuff on Vermis' recommendation last month called "Uro" that I'm just getting round to trying out now, thanks to that little creative kick I received last week.
It's very solid stuff initially, but when warm and kneaded it's smooth and has a little bit more elasicity than I've found with fimo and is more likely to stick to an un-keyed armature.
It's interesting to use so far so I'll be persisting with it until I get bored or get told off by Sally for not making naked women or zombie hunters :)
was referring to mr white's stuff but the new jes thingeys are breathtaking - keep eyes peeled for brian nelsons and martin footies stuffe later in the year ...... the bench mark keeps on getting higher ......
ReplyDeleteIndeed the bench marks are beeing extended all the time.
ReplyDeleteWait until you meet Jeff...
whoes jeff ????????
ReplyDeleteI'm saying next to nothing, but Jeff's not a sculptor...
ReplyDeleteso its jefforii von sculptenheimer then - im intrigued ....